This is a test system... []
To view player levels, please register for free here.



The search feature allows you to quickly and easily look up any player or club in the system. Once you click on a player you will be taken directly to their profile page.

Looking for a club? The search page will also find clubs. Just type the name of the club, click on it, and you will be taken to the club rankings.




The rankings feature allows you to find a range of different ranking lists for players in the system. These include:

  • World rankings
  • National rankings
  • County rankings
  • Club rankings

Player profile page


The player profile page is all about you and your match history. See your level, your rankings, stats, history and more all on one page.

You can also access other features like head to head, match review and update your own player details from your profile page.


Get social


To maximize your experience on SquashLevels we suggest building your own personal community of friends, teammates, and your favorite pros. You'll find recommendations in your feed or you can access more recommendations from the 'My community' button at the top of your profile.


Test yourself


It’s time to level up! We’ve teamed up with SquashSkills to devise a series of squash and fitness challenges to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Each test has been calibrated against your playing level to give you a better understanding of the levels of ball control and fitness necessary to reach different playing standards.


Player comparison


Never go into a match unprepared again. The player comparison tool allows you to compare different players on the system (including yourself), so you can understand what the expected results from a match might be.




Communities are auto-generated within SquashLevels and you’ll automatically be added to club, regional and national communities, depending on where you play. These are amazing social hubs allowing you to keep fully up to speed with squash activity going on in your area.


PSA Power Ratings

In 2020, we launched a brand new initiative in partnership with the PSA. The Power Ratings sees the PSA using SquashLevels data to offer deeper insight into the professional game. SquashLevels provides insight for match predictions, analysis and to create the 'Power Rating' giving a more accurate picture of current playing level. To see the latest Power Ratings, check out the PSA options from the dropdowns in the community section.